25 Apr 2020

This Week Letter – April 26, 2020

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Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you have heard the Gospel that Mother Church gives us to consider on the 3rd Sunday of Easter.

It is good that you ask questions after hearing the Gospel. One of the questions that bothers me is this: how to move someone’s heart? How can we become this kind of Church, parish, Father, Mother, Priest, Religious, Catholic – that after the meeting, the heart of another man will beat stronger?

We can only give what we have. If we want to move the hearts of others and accompany them on the way, we must have hearts that are burning, as well as patience and love needed to meet people wherever they are. Like Jesus, let us start a conversation with them, ask them questions, get to know their lives. Let us engage them so that their hearts will burn. Maybe when they discover that we care about them, they will say what the disciples said to the Lord: “Stay with us!”

The way we can warm the hearts of those who are cold is to let Jesus accompany us, because only then we can pass this love on to others.

Greetings to you and I hope you are well. I pray for you all.


Your Priest,

Fr. Paul

