28 Apr 2018

This Week Letter – April 29, 2018

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Dear Parishioners and Friends.

Living and creating, we do not even think about what fruits our actions bring; nor do we ever even think about the purpose of our lives, because we simply take no notice while we are entertaining life.  We do realize that life is a struggle for survival, from day to day, hour to hour.

It often seems that we are breaking down an already open door; unable to see any other possibilities. We see only our imagined goal; nor do we recognize intermediate goals; and sometimes we do not even see the main goal, which should be Jesus Christ. It is He who opens the door to us and gives us suggestions for life and service.

It is sufficient to listen to the words of Holy Scripture to understand which doors are opening up before us and what opportunities await  us. The doors of the Church are always open to us, and the Risen Christ who forgave us our sins through the revelation of the truth offers us a bright future. As we accept this truth, “…let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.  Now this is how we shall know that we belong to the truth and reassure our hearts before Him. “(1 Jn 3: 18-19). Remaining in truth, not only will we satisfy our hearts, consciences and souls, not only will we  see the specific purpose of our journey, but also we will ease through the door opened for us through the Eucharist with its eternal invitation to joy and growth of faith in God.

Do we accurately understand  the Gospel comparing us to the vine branches and their yield of abundant fruit?  Ultimately, we are the fruit, hopefully not worm-ridden or withered –  such that is thrown out or burned – for of what use is a withered bush that yields no fruit.

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. “(Jn 15: 7-8). I want to live and grow in His presence, I want to be a disciple learning love, mercy, goodness, and respect for others from the Lord, for then my life will be better and easier.

I offer heartfelt, though somewhat belated, birthday wishes to our business manager, Mr. Marcin Wojtulewicz.  I also extend my best wishes to Mr. Zbigniew Kowal, founder and director of the “Ave Maria” music group, who will celebrate his birthday on May 1.

The approaching month of May is devoted, in the tradition of the Catholic Church, to the veneration of the Blessed Mother. Remember that through participation at Mass and other services, as well as recitation of the rosary and the Litany of Loretto, we honor the Mother of God.

O Risen Jesus Christ, our Shepherd and Guardian, help us remain on the vine yielding abundant fruit!  Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ.
