06 Apr 2019

This Week Letter – April 7, 2019

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From the Pastor’s Desk…

            In no other passage of the Gospel is there so emphatic and so clear a comparison of how God and man think of sin.  And probably no other passage is as informative as today’s Gospel.  It contains in some measure a summary, a synopsis of the entire Gospel message – the Good News of God’s forgiveness and love.  It is a vivid and striking illustration of Christ’s teachings.  The simplest deduction, repeatedly stated in the Gospels is this:  do not condemn and you will not be condemned.

Next week we will celebrate Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.  Before every Mass, palms will be blessed in the back of church, followed by a procession with those palms into the church.  Because, for us Christians, this is a great manifestation of our faith, I invite everyone to participate in Christ’s festive entry into our Church on Palm Sunday.


                                                                                 God Bless….. Fr. Richard Milek
