01 Dec 2018

This Week Letter – December 2, 2018

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From The Pastor’s desk


This weekend we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent as we begin the new liturgical year.  Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of Christ in the mystery of the Divine Birth.  It is a time of reflection on the presence of Christ in our everyday lives.

The word ”Advent” is taken from the Latin  ”Adventus” which means  ”coming”.  The season of Advent helps us to prepare ourselves not only for the feast of Christmas, but also for the second coming of Christ.  Our entire life is thus ”advent”.

We see displayed in our churches during the Advent season an Advent wreath  which symbolizes the four thousand years the world waited for  the coming of the Savior.  The four Advent candles remind us that this season is four weeks long.  The green of the wreath is a symbol of life and the constant presence of God among us.  The three purple candles call us to watch and to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord, while the solitary pink candle signifies a joy resulting from the nearness of Christ’s coming.  These candles will be replaced by white ones during the Christmas season, reminding us that Christ is the Light of the World.

So may this Advent Season  be for us a time of reflection and prayer.



Rev. Richard Milek
