This Week Letter – December 9, 2018
From the Pastor’s Desk…
What gives us the courage to “prepare the way of the Lord” as John the Baptist did? How can we continue to work, watch, and wait for the reign of God in the world where progress seems impossible? We are energized by the confident hope that Christ will ultimately triumph over every mountain, gorge, and rough way. The Christ, who came into human history once and comes to save each of us from sin day by day, will indeed come again to establish his reign of justice over the whole universe so that “all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” We express the fullness of this Advent hope when we proclaim together in our Memorial Acclamation at Mass: “Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory.” Hope strengthens us to keep preparing the way of the Lord until he comes in glory.
Fr. Richard Milek