13 Jul 2019

This Week Letter – July 14, 2019

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From the Pastor’s Desk


Sometimes it seems that God’s commandments which Moses gave to the chosen people and to us are too difficult to keep.  In today’s first reading, however, Moses states that keeping these commands of God is neither impossible nor exceeds our reach.

The first three commandments direct us to believe in only One God, to honor His Name and to keep Sunday holy by giving reverence to God and by participating at Mass.  The rest of the commandments refer to our neighbor and instruct us to respect our neighbor’s life, good name and property.  This is the basis of natural law which is written in the hearts of all human beings.

I admire the lawyer who in today’s Gospel did not ask, as many of us would, what must be done to achieve success in life, but rather asks what must be done to attain life eternal.  The prescription for eternal life is the commandment to love God and neighbor.  But here the question of who is my neighbor arises.   Jesus responds with a parable which concludes that every person who has been wounded and needs our help is our neighbor.   The more difficult question is this:  Is the person who wounded someone and left him to die in today’s parable and the person who has wounded us  also our neighbor?  Jesus would answer: “Love your enemies.”  I say: “If you want no enemies, then make them your friends.”

I include in my prayers all those who are on vacation or on holiday that your leisure activities may bring you ever closer to God and to each other.

This is a reminder to all who come to church during summer about their clothing because in God’s house, we honor Him also by what we wear.  Our attire in church is not only a sign of our respect for God, but also for the other faithful, our duty warranted by the commandment of love.


Fr. Richard Milek
