28 Jul 2018

This Week Letter – July 29, 2018

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From the Pastor’s Desk…

In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul tells us how to build peace and unity in our everyday lives: “Live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace…” Peace is a gift and a challenge. It is insufficient to only pray for peace when we are facing a war. We have to build peace and nurse it daily. Without peace human beings lose their value and the world loses beauty.

In today’s Gospel, we see large crowds of people who hunger for bread and the Apostles at Jesus’ request satisfy them miraculously. Today, many people hunger for peace and there is only one way to establish peace on earth. We have to share everything that we have and in this way we will be able to build the Kingdom of Truth, Love, and Peace.


As you heard last Sunday in the announcements, now is the last chance to enroll your children in our Catholic School. I do not need to explain the importance of Catholic education and upbringing in a child’s life. An “Open house” will be held next Sunday in our school, and after each Mass you can come to receive additional information. It is possible for new families to apply for a scholarship. I invite you to visit the school and I will answer all of your questions in person.
You have certainly noticed or heard that, for a long time after each rain, water got into one confessional. Thanks to a device loaded with a camera, it was possible to locate the spot where a valve on a pipe was damaged and we were able to replace it. I am glad that we managed to fix it so quickly because, I’m sure you agree with me, that in the confessional… there cannot be any “leaks”.
Last week, we cleaned and waxed the floors in Borowczyk Hall, the Gym and the School.
Today we say goodbye to Fr. Łukasz, who on Thursday returns to Poland and then to Rome for further studies. We thank him for his pastoral help during his stay and we invite him again to our Parish. God bless you.


                                                                                                      Fr. Richard Milek
