This Week Letter – June 23, 2019
From the Pastor’s Desk…
Last week, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity which draws us toward that same love and oneness that unites the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. It is through the Sacrament of the Eucharist and our frequent reception of Holy Communion, the highest form of unity between God and man, that our understanding of this great mystery of the Trinity is increased.
Today, we are celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi. In our parish at 1:30pm, we will offer a bi-lingual Mass with a Eucharistic procession to four altars. Let this Feast of Corpus Christi be yet another manifestation of our faith in the true presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
When I first came to St Constance Parish (a year ago), I was shown water leaking in one of the confessionals, in the garage and in the stairwell at the entrance to the gym. Since in confession “ there can be no leaks”, we repaired the confessional immediately and also the garage roof. The situation is worse with the roof above the gym & Borowczyk Hall. When we repaired that section of the roof where the leak occurred, we unfortunately were confronted with many new leaks springing up in other places so that it became evident that the entire roof needed to be fixed. Worse yet is that the system ensuring efficient removal of water from the roof was incorrectly installed and that water has slowly run down into the walls, eroding the plaster which is now falling off. It is imperative that we immediately invest in new roofing to protect this building both inside and outside from further damage. At the same time, we want to renovate Borowczyk Hall and the adjacent kitchen which is used by various parish organizations. To this end, we intend to use funds already collected for this purpose during our “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign. Once again, I thank all who submitted pledges and are fulfilling them. If we all fulfill our commitments, there will be enough funds for the necessary renovations to keep our parish buildings in good condition. Below is the latest report of the status of the St. Constance “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign as of 5/15/19:
Number of Donors 445
Parish Goal $ 810,000
Amount Pledged $ 1,020,140
Amount Paid as of 12/19/18 $ 510,809
Pledges Cancelled $ 116,665
Balance Due $ 392,666
Amount Needed to Reach
Parish Goal $ 299,191
If anyone owns a licensed renovation company and would like to submit an offer, please contact me as soon as possible.