30 Mar 2019

This Week Letter – March 31, 2019

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From the Pastor’s Desk…

Taking part in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass, you undoubtedly have noticed that the readings and the Gospel are repeated from time to time.  The Church calendar is actually built on a three-year cycle, which means, that every three years the readings are repeated.  Currently we are in year “C”, which will be followed by year “A”, then year “B” and again year “C”.  We especially notice this pattern when the message of the Gospel is very familiar to us as in today’s Parable of the Prodigal Son”.  Although we all know this parable, we don’t mind hearing it again, because its message is always timely.

Every day someone turns away from God and another returns to Him.  This seems to be the story of our lives.  We mark greater and lesser infidelities in our relationship with God, longer and shorter separations from Him and His Church.  All the more, we need to hear this Gospel again in order to affirm to ourselves that our God is truly a loving and ever-waiting Father into whose arms we can always return.  Another example is the one we looked at last Sunday where God will always give us a second chance and will never separate us from His Infinite Mercy.  May this image of a merciful and loving Father attend us during this time of Lent, during our Special Lenten Retreat and, particularly, during our Lenten confession.

I take this opportunity to encourage everyone to participate in our Special Lenten Retreat on Monday, April 8th, when we will examine “The Power of Forgiveness”.  Included will be a special power point presentation; additional opportunities for confession will also be available.  Please find further details in the flier in today’s bulletin.


                                                                                 God Bless….. Fr. Richard Milek
