09 Nov 2019

This Week Letter – November 10, 2019

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From the Pastor’s Desk


A copy of the St. Constance Annual Report which appeared in last week’s bulletin was also sent to the Archdiocese.  The saddest part of the report was the mention of the 80 parishioners who have passed on to eternity since November 2nd of last year.  You can find their names on the listing in front of the altar.  Thank you for the numerous prayer memorials and Mass intentions given for your cherished deceased, evidence of your deep faith and love.


Today’s Gospel tells us that God “is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”  May the figure of the Resurrected Jesus in our church remind us that all our beloved dead will rise up to a new life  and will receive the place prepared for them in heaven.


This week we will be celebrating Veteran’s Day and the Anniversary of the Regaining of Independence by Poland.  Let us pray, then, for those who gave their lives for their homeland.


I also want to inform you of the necessity of an operation on my knee and of the associated rehabilitation, its duration yet unknown.  My thanks to everyone for keeping me in your thoughts with your prayerful support.


God bless!

Fr. Richard Milek
