08 Oct 2016

This Week Letter – October 09, 2016

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,


               Today’s Gospel shows us the eternal problem of the lack of gratitude for grace and the lack of understanding of supernatural events. The example of the ten lepers healed, of which only one returned to give thanks for this gift, shows how easy it is after receiving so great a gift to go back to our daily agenda. We must remember that the process of healing or the state of well-being, health or success in life are not spontaneous, in part because they depend on our work, but mainly because God hears our prayers, as we maintain our faith and trust which we place in Him.

In the Liturgy of the Word, grace intertwines with gratitude, faith, and a life of faith. This is not the first time we hear that miracles and signs which Jesus performed are connected with faith: when “He saw faith”, He made a miracle. Here are a few quotes supporting this observation: “Don’t be afraid, just have faith!” (Mk 5, 36), “Everything is possible for one who has faith” (Mk 9, 23), “Daughter, your faith has saved you” (Łk 8, 48), as well as today’s message: “Stand up and go forth, your faith has saved you” (Łk 17 19).

In turn, Saint Paul gives us the answer, how to understand and how to see what befalls us. In a letter to Timothy, he explains not only to Timothy, but to all of us how we should understand our lives. He tells us how should we proceed to look forward to the promises of our faith. “(…) if we persevere we shall also reign with Him. But if we deny Him he will deny us. If we are unfaithful he remains faithful, for He cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim 2:12-13)

God every day gives us graces. Through someone He smiles at us, strengthens us, through someone He saves our health, so we can continue to do something good. Many of us delight in the beauty of nature, the power of the sea and the mountains, the wonders of nature, but cannot see the Creator. All of them are gifts from our good God. Do we have this awareness that whatever good we get – it is the gift from the Lord God? Do we see not only a gift, but also the Giver?

Next week we will all meet at 12:30pm under the leadership of our former pastor and currently Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, his Excellency Bishop Thomas Paprocki, to celebrate the 100-year Anniversary of our parish. Remember that the masses at 12:00 noon and 1:30pm were canceled.  Our celebration in the banquet hall “Chateau Ritz” will provide an opportunity for a closer and more personal encounter of former and current parishioners and friends of the parish. God Bless You!
