13 Oct 2018

This Week Letter – October 14, 2018

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From The Pastor ‘s Desk

We  marvel at the young man in today’s Gospel who did not ask Jesus to become famous or great in this life, but rather asked how to attain life eternal.  He might have become a model for today’s youth , helping them realize what is most important in this life.  How unfortunate that the desire to amass material possessions was for him, as it is for many of us, far stronger than a readiness to follow Christ unconditionally.

Congratulations to Loretta Josefowski along with Joseph & Sophie Czarny,  parishioners of St. Constance who, last Sunday at Holy Name Cathedral, received the Christifideles Award from the presiding Bishop.  This honor is bestowed on lay Catholics, who in the spirit of responsibility for the life of the Church, sacrifice their time in ministerial service to their parish.

I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers who are dedicated to parish life through their service in various parish groups and organizations.  May God reward you!

Please pray the rosary during this month of October and remember your beloved deceased at Holy Mass, particularly during November, a  month devoted to remembrance of the dead.  To this end, find the All Souls Day envelope in your packet and fill in the names of the deceased you wish to be remembered.  Return the envelope so it can remain on the altar the entire month of November and your listed deceased can share in the prayers of the congregation at every Mass.


Fr. Richard Milek
