21 Oct 2017

This Week Letter – October 22, 2017

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Dear Parishioners and Friends.
We often catch up on the fact that we apply the principle of pursuing our intentions and “trample over people,” ignoring harm done to others. We strive here on earth to do what is best for ourselves, at no extra cost or effort. The same applies to politicians, managers, people of power who see only one goal – the desire of domination and the benefits of it. They manipulate us, promising economic and financial miracles.
However, we should take care of our personal and private property and try not to harm anyone, including ourselves. In other words, we should live and let others live with their world view, faith, interests, in full freedom, both political and religious, without coercion. We need to remember our traditions and origins, and especially our future, which depends on and belongs to God.
The scene in today’s Gospel reveals to us the nature of the Pharisees. They had a simple goal – to provoke so that the shame of answering wrongly falls on the answerer, not the questioner. They wanted the Lord Jesus to appear as if He stands against secular authority. With the lay authorities, the question only concerns the issue of taxes – in this case Caesar’s. Being aware of the perverse question, they were already prepared for judgment, because paying taxes to Caesar was understood as limiting the power of the Lord God over His people, and refusing to pay was a rebellion against the established authority. Jesus did not give them the satisfaction of drawing Him into political intrigue. Christ responded briefly, but in a matter-of-fact direct way: “Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God” (Mt 22:21).
In these simple words, Jesus showed that political authorities should respect the laws of God. They should have their own field of action in terms of order and social welfare. A Christian can and should defend his freedom to worship God above all laws and beyond all political power. In Plato’s time, there was talk of a state (later called Plato Utopia), in which everything was to operate in accordance with the rules and principles of law, culture and religion. Today there are also some trends that lead to a similar utopia. I do not say it is wrong, but political and religious ways should go side by side, rather than be a single entity Why? This question we must answer ourselves.
I warmly welcome to our parish, Mrs. Krystyna Zając, President of the SOS FAMILY Foundation, who brought the relics of Italian Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, to permanantly remain in our parish. Mrs. Krystyna Zając received these relics from Emanuela, the daughter of the Saint. She was rescued from death by her mother’s brave decision. After each Mass, we will be praying together for the intercession of St. Gianna and the priest celebrating the Mass. will give a blessing to everyone.

God Bless!
