28 Oct 2017

This Week Letter – October 29, 2017

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Dear Parishioners and Friends.
We all want to experience peace, goodness, and enter into eternal life with God. To achieve these, there is only one way – the way of God’s love: through prayer, which is conversation with God, and through our declaration of love to the Lord and to the people. By praying for them, we show love and do good.

Mercy, honesty, goodness – these words are so great to some, that they are afraid to use them. It is precisely in our lives on earth that we must face evil, anxiety, lies, and deceit. It is only when we experience the boundaries of evil and good, of lying and of sincerity, of hatred and of love, that we begin to think about how difficult it is to be good to others. And yet, love is the highest law given to us by God – without it nothing has value either in this or in the future world.

In today’s Gospel, we hear an important question that a scholar of the Law made to the Lord Jesus: “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” (Mt 22:36). The answer is simple and clear: It is love in a very wide range of reference. Love comes from God and therefore is meant to refer to God first. People are introduced into it. The decisions of conduct are ones that must be made by ourselves, but according to the commandments and the law that establishes the relationships between people. Although we know what Christ commands us, yet we must learn to love one another even if we have questions in our minds such as: how to live love? How to understand love? And it’s not about emotional love, but about conscious, loving behavior, about the attitude of life shaped by love.

Whoever truly loves does not think of the benefits or the loss of strength. Rather, such a person does not count the times he has been helped, or how many times he has sacrificed himself, because whoever loves gives everything willingly and does not think of the price. On the other hand, we often try to pick and choose the sorts of laws and obligations for ourselves so as not to have too many troubles and problems. We do not even realize that we avoid some of them because they “interfere” with us in our daily lives. The view, that our existence on earth is related to the duties and rights that must be respected, is abused because it is unpleasant to fall into conflict with criminal law. The responsibilities and rights that force us to live are, depending on the situation, whether they are more or less troublesome, and are at the same time necessary for our existence. Regardless of whether they are constitutional, or described in  criminal law, we must respect them in the community. It is also important for us to obey the laws of the church, because we are members in the life and action of the church .  The most important law of all is the Divine Law.

In a few days we will visit graves of our relatives and, we will be praying for them. Let’s remember that this is also a declaration of love to them. Love brings forth love and it returns to the giver. On the path of spiritual development, love of neighbor leads to the love of God. Remember also your dear ones in a special way in the Masses during month of November.

God Bless!
