This Week Letter – October 7, 2018
From the Pastor ‘s Desk
All is not well with the world where everything is fleeting, unreal and experimental, to the point of boredom. It is not good for man to be alone; so said God and he gave Adam a partner in the person of Eve. Eve was the answer to man’s loneliness, the mother of his chilcren. Together they would build a new, shared world. A person ceases to be alone only then when he finds within himself faith in an infallible Presence. In marriage, there is a commitment, one that is not fleeting or unreal or experimental, but one that is forever, even if it gets boring.
I urge all to join in praying the Rosary daily in church at 7:30am in English and at 7:00pm in Polish from Monday through Saturday and on Sunday at 6:30pm in Polish.
Please remember to pray for your beloved deceased during Holy Mass. You will find an envelope in your packet for November where you can list the names of your deceased family and friends. These envelopes will be placed on the altar during the month of November so that all persons listed will be remembered at every Mass. Extra envelopes will be available in the back of the church.
Fr. Richard Milek