This Week Letter – September 23, 2018
From The Pastor’s Desk…
While Christ tells the Apostles about the passion awaiting him, they argue about which one of them is the most important. Pride makes man a very weak, egocentric being, who seeks comfort and runs away from hardship and suffering. Jesus teaches us that the true greatness of a person consists in the serving and devoting of oneself to God. To receive this wisdom from above, one must persist in prayer and become like a child who trusts the Father implicitly.
I sincerely thank all who prepared and participated in the ceremony of my installation as pastor of Saint Constance Parish last Sunday. Thank you for the beautiful flowers, for preparing the reception in the parish hall and for all your very kind wishes.
This Sunday we are celebrating vocations and we will be praying for new vocations from our Archdiocese and from our Parish. The second collection is for the support of our Archdiocesan Seminary.
Once again, thank you to all the organizers and participants of our parish picnic. We realized a net profit of $5,039.95.
Fr. Richard Milek