This Week Letter – September 28, 2019
From the Pastor’s Desk
I think we all ought to take the advice that St. Peter gives to Timothy in today’s second reading: “…pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience and gentleness. Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life.” St. Peter often compared life to competitions in sports and at the end of his life he wrote: “I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith.”
The Diocesan program “Renew My Church”, however, sets before us a greater task. Our responsibility is not only to keep the faith and deepen it, but at the same time to pass it on to others; and this is evangelization.
When Pope Francis was in the United States, he said that one of the challenges facing the Church today is building awareness among the faithful of their responsibility for the Church’s mission in the world. This requires openness to change and new possibilities.
There are three important steps in renewing the face of the Church:
First is inviting the faithful to a deeper relationship with Jesus, becoming His disciples;
Second is building a stronger faith community based on internal, spiritual renewal;
Third is being witness to Christ by seeing and helping the most needy.
Pope Francis compares the role of our Church today with a field hospital. It is the Church’s task is to heal those wounds caused by the injustice and violence of today’s world.
I remind you and invite you to attend our Parish Dinner Dance on Saturday, October 12th; I urge you to take part in our Raffle and to purchase Dinner and Raffle tickets available in Borowczyk Hall after every weekend Mass or in the Rectory during the week. God bless and good luck!
Fr. Richard Milek