08 Sep 2018

This Week Letter – September 9, 2018

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From the Pastor’s desk…

For six years I was the Pastor of Saint Francis Borgia Parish. The Archdiocese maintains a Ministry for the Deaf and Mute there. Every Sunday at 10:30am the Holy Mass is celebrated in sign language. At the “Alleluia”, the sacristan hits a drum and everyone having felt the drum’s vibration rises for the Gospel. I participated with great emotion in their Mass and realized that we often do not appreciate our gifts of speech and hearing or abuse them by hurting others and sometimes even our loved ones. Once I saw this sign on a railroad car: “The word hurts more than the fist.” Let the fruit of our reflection on today’s Gospel be a decision to take responsibility for our every word.
I would like to thank all our volunteers for their dedication and ministry in the Parish through various pastoral organizations. I thanked God for them and asked Him to bless them during last Monday’s Mass celebrating Labor Day here in the United States.
We welcome to our parish Sister Frances who will be responsible for the sacristy and the decor of our church. Let us remember Sister in our prayers during her ministry at our parish.
Fr Richard Milek

Sister Frances Keler, MChr has been a Missionary of Christ the King for Polonia Abroad for 29 years. She was born in Lower Silesia, Poland. She graduated from the Higher Catechetical Institute in Krakow and the Family Studies Institute in Szczecin. She has been in the USA since 2001 and has worked in the following parishes: at Saint James in Chicago; in Sterling Heights, Michigan; in Phoenix, Arizona; and more recently, at the parish of St. Hyacinth in Chicago. For the past few weeks, Sister has been working here at St. Constance Parish.
