Parish Directory

Prayer Life

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 10

Polish Living Rosary
Malgorzata Kazimierczak
Phone: 773-671-4661

St. Constance Prayer Group
Connie Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581

Spreading The Holy Fire
Dcn. Jim & Connie Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581


Educational Life

St. Constance  School
Eva Panczyk
Phone: 773-283-2311

Religious Education Program
Sr. Anna Strycharz
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 40

Youth Ministry (grade 7th, 8th and High School)
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 38

Young Adult Ministry (age 19 to 36)
Roman Harmata
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 19

Kolbe School Of Polish Language
Jolanta Zablocki
Phone: 773-283-3618

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Connie Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581

Adult Religious Enrichment
Lucille Antonik
Phone: 773-631-7593


Educational Life, Affiliates

School Board
Eva Panczyk
Phone: 773-283-2311

The Home and School Association
Eileen Pavlik
Phone: 773-594-1757

The Sports Association
Barbarba Biernat
Phone: 773-792-1179


Social Life

Polonia Club
Casey Milewski
Phone: 773-612-6074

Young at Heart
Sharon Malen
Phone: 847-258-4428

Woman’s Club
Pat Pomykalski
Phone: 773-631-3870

Holy Name Society
Jim Gordon
Phone: 773-775-9717

Brass Band
Mr. Zdzislaw Klosowski
Phone: 847-538-2419


Liturgical Life

Eucharistic Ministers
Dcn James Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 19

Dcn. James Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 19

Music Ministry
Marie Blecka
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 37

“The Hope” Music group
Roman Harmata
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 19

Altar Servers
Sr. Franciszka Keler
Phone: 773-545-8581

Joseph D’Anna
Phone: 773-763-8366


Bulletin Editor

Roman Harmata
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 38


Spiritual Life

Ministers of Care
Phone: 773-545-8581

Wake Ministers
Dcn. James Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581

Good Grief Group
Dcn. Jim Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 19


Collaborative Life

Parish Pastoral Council

Finance Committee
Doniece Walton
Phone: 773-775-8164


Sacramental Life

Deacon James Schiltz
Phone: 773-545-8581

Rev. Robert Lojek
Phone: 773-545-8581

Sacrament of the Sick
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 33

Communion Calls
Rev. Robert Lojek
Phone: 773-545-8581
Extension: 36