15 Apr 2017

This Week Letter – April 16, 2017

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

On Easter Sunday, all believers in Christ express their joy, saluting each other with the words, “Christ is Risen,” to which we reply, “He is truly Risen”. Today we listen to the words of the Gospel according to St. John (20: 1-9) who speaks of the reaction of Mary Magdalene and the Apostles at the grave where they did not find the body of Jesus. The empty grave tells us that the life of Jesus did not end with death and putting the body to the grave, but the triumph of the Resurrection. The fact that Christ rose from the dead means for all of us that He is alive. Just as in the past, Christ meets people also today, He reveals His Divine power, distributes goodness of heart, and pours love. The resurrection is the crowning of His torment and death, the confirmation of His teaching, the hope of all those whose bodies rest or will rest in graves. It is the foundation of our faith. St. Paul in a letter to the Corinthians (15:14) wrote: “If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our preaching is in vain, and our faith is in vain.”
Today I pray with you and for you, so that we all understand to the end, the hope of our vocation. The Risen Christ gives us this hope for today, for tomorrow and for all eternity!
My dear friends, I would like to thank all those who have prepared the Easter decorations, those who have enriched the liturgy of Holy Week, and the holy liturgy with beautiful singing and music, those who served at the altar. Thank you to all who gave donations for flowers and decorations. With all my heart, I thank those who understand the needs of the parish and were generously offering sacrifices to the holiday collection. Due to the constantly growing expenses associated with maintaining the parish and school, I ask that every family or person working, to make a $ 70.00 gift: of course, if it is possible. I pray that the Risen Lord will reward you generously for every good word, every act of love and mercy, every sacrifice you make for the needs of the parish.
With all my heart I greet all the sick. I greet all parishioners, dear guests who came from near and far. My heart rejoices today when this filled temple resounds with your joyful Easter singing. Every Mass is the sacrifice of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. At every Mass we feed on the word of the Lord and the Eucharist. Every Mass is the prediction of a great feast in the house of the Lord, when we will go from this world to eternity.
I wish for all our Priests, Deacons, Sisters of Christ the King, Dominican Sisters of Nigeria, Teachers, Catechists, the entire Board, all Parishioners, Friends and Guests, that the Risen Lord will bestow upon us all the graces of good health, joy, love, patience and peace. I wish all of us to be courageous witnesses of His Resurrection among all the people who will stand in the way of our lives. God bless and have a joyful Easter! Alleluia!
