22 Apr 2017

This Week Letter – April 23, 2017

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

At the beginning of time, God created the world, plants and animals, and finally He created man, calling him Adam. But our progenitor was tempted by Satan, expelled from paradise, and burdened with sin that clings to each of us.

If God’s Mercy wouldn’t have sent Jesus Christ to us, we would still be under the deceitful power of the devil. The death of Jesus and His Resurrection opened the way for Salvation, enabling us to return to our Father – God. Jesus, at the moment of completing His work, became the second Adam, the One who will return to us at the end of time to embrace us in His Great Merciful Love. But then again the people of Christ’s time lived showing mercy to each other, learning about Divine Mercy in their actions: “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.” (Acts 4:32).

Thanks to God’s Mercy, we have the opportunity to participate in the Mystery of the Birth and Life, Death and Resurrection, Salvation and Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Mercy has not only given us faith, but also the Sacraments that bring us closer to the Lord. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we have become part of the Church, in the Sacrament of Penance we express regret to God and receive the forgiveness of our sins, and through the Eucharist we participate in His Everlasting Sacrifice. Our response to Mercy should be love of God and neighbor: “In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey His commandments. For the love of God is this, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” (1 Jn 5:2-3)

The Gospel words of skeptical Thomas, called Didymos, whom Jesus invited to touch His Wounds, can be read as Mercy to those who were before us, to those who are here now, to those who will come after us, and to all those who do not see God but nevertheless believe in Him. For: “Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed” (Jn 20:29).

In two weeks, on Saturday May 6th, our Parish School of St. Constance will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding and operating. So many generations of young people have acquired knowledge and faith in our school. May the Lord grant the joy of heaven to the sisters and lay teachers who have gone to eternal life. May the current teaching staff with the Principal, Eva Pańczyk, parents, children, volunteers, patrons and sponsors be generously blessed. I encourage everyone to take part in the Jubilee Mass and to buy tickets for the Jubilee Banquet at the Handzel Center.

Jesus Christ, the Risen, help us comprehend the depths of Divine Mercy so that we may serve God and people, and someday get to our Father’s House in Heaven.

God bless!
