24 Aug 2019

This Week Letter – August 25, 2019

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From the Pastor’s Desk


In today’s Gospel, in response to the question “Who will be saved?”, Jesus answers, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate.”  The narrow gate is the consistent practice of our Faith throughout our lives according to the Ten Commandments and particularly the Commands to love God and neighbor.


The narrow gate is the acceptance of life’s sufferings and hardships with the same humility and love with which Jesus accepted the Cross for our salvation. The narrow gate is the honest fulfillment of one’s obligations whether at work or at home.  The narrow gate is being patient with our coworkers and being constantly ready to listen to them, to understand and to forgive them.


The narrow gate for our children and teens is reliable learning about God and the world in the new school year they are starting.


The narrow gate is responsibility for Christ’s Church, both universal and local, because we are its members.


In this spirit I welcome all our teachers, school staff and students and I bless you with all my heart as I entrust this new school year to our Father in Heaven and to Mary, God’s Mother and ours.


Thank you for your donations to our Church in Poland during our second collection.


You are all invited after every Mass this weekend to join the fun for awhile at our Parish Picnic.  I look forward to seeing you in Church and at the picnic!


God bless,

Fr. Richard Milek
