This Week Letter – August 28, 2016
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
God expresses His love in many ways. However, man for various reasons cannot detect it. One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is pride. Pride divides God and people. No one likes arrogant pride. Pride leads man to place himself over others. It is also a source of many sins. Today’s readings precisely talk about this issue. The Word touches us in each passage and in each verse, it gives counsel, it makes us want to remember it, take and use it.
Already with the first reading the Wisdom of Sirach tells us how to behave and not to offend others with any unnecessary words, and, at the same time, shows us how to work for the grace of the Lord. It clearly warns us: “When the proud are afflicted, there is no cure; for they are offshoots of an evil plant. The mind of the wise appreciates proverbs, and the ear that listens to wisdom, rejoices. ” (Sir 3.28-29)
Saint Paul in Hebrews tells us, at the same time, explaining that our behavior related to membership in the Church – “the assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven, and God the judge of all, and the spirits of the just made perfect (12.23) – brings us “to the mediator of the New Testament-Jesus” (12.24), Who loves us and teaches us how to live and act.
The Gospel also warns us against behavoir caused by selfishness and vanity. He recommends selfless work, that is, to invite those who need help, who are unable to give a “payback”. The one who is not a selfless giver and expects something for it, forgets that everything we have is from God, and it is free.
The Gospel words of Jesus Christ – the essence of today’s Liturgy of the Word – are prophesying a glorious future, with one condition: that we will fulfill them with understanding and true humility, which is everything that the Lord left in the Testament of His Word and the Commandments. “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment. Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”” (Lk 14,12-14).
Let us ask the Lord Jesus to teach us fraternal love, which tends to share with all that we have, what He gives us generously every day.
Welcome everyone to our parish picnic. I’m glad that we can be together. I encourage you to book the date of 16 October, so that you could be present at the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of our parish. We are glad that the main celebrant of the Mass will be our former pastor and currently His Excellency Thomas Paprocki, Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield. Reserve your tickets for the banquet at Chateau Ritz before we run out of places. God Bless You!