04 Aug 2018

This Week Letter – August 5, 2018

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From the Pastor’s Desk…

Today’s readings certainly surprise us mentioning the people who murmured against God and His Son. It looks like the resistance was a human failing that can be witnessed from the beginning of time. The word “murmur” appears as many as nine times in the Bible and often in reference to Jesus and the Pharisees. It was they who criticized Jesus and His teaching behind His back as they were afraid of a confrontation with Truth. Compassionate and constructive criticism can be positive, helpful and sometimes even necessary. Murmuring does not help, but it unnecessarily divides. Most often, it is anonymous, since the complainant does not want to come forward.

Murmuring against Jesus can be heard today and is directed against His Church. Let us pray that today’s Gospel be heard today and let it be a lesson against murmuring leading us into a truthful and responsible dialogue. One time I found a sign reading: “A word can be more painful than a fist.” Let us avoid needless murmuring, which can stop peace and harmony in any family including the parish one.

Thank you for your heartfelt and generous farewell to Fr. Luke last Sunday. God bless!

I thank with all my heart those who came to the organizational meeting concerning the picnic and helped us prepare for it. This will be my first Parish picnic so I invite all of you, your relatives, friends and acquaintances. I remind you that the picnic will take place on Sunday, August 26th, at the parish of St. Rosalie. Thank you, Fr. Thaddeus, for your earlier booking of this place for our picnic. Details about the picnic are given further in this parish bulletin.

                                                                                    Fr. Richard Milek
