15 Dec 2018

This Week Letter – December 16, 2018

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From the Pastor’s Desk


”What should we do?”

     With this question on their lips,  crowds of people gathered around  John the Baptist, searching for the Messiah.  It is amazing that John the Baptist was able to achieve what so many preachers and missionaries could not.    How did John the Baptist gain the attention of his listeners to the point that they asked him what they should do to change their lives.  The key to the success of his preachiung was his complete honesty and devoted service to the Messiah.  John told everyone that they must share what they had with others; he cautioned soldiers not to abuse anyone and tax collectors not to cheat or steal.

     Knowing the teachings of John the Baptist, let us consider on this third Sunday of Advent what he would say to us if he were standing on the banks of the river of our lives.  What suggestiona and advice would he give us and our families to prepare well for the coming of the Messiah?  We can find the answer to this question in the sanctuary of our conscience, our reliable guidepost to truth and salvation.  I believe that drawing closer to our parish through the living of our faith by Advent prayer and confession has helped us to prepare well for a deep and rewarding celebration of the Birth of Our Lord.

     The schedule of Confessions and Holiday Masses are listed in today’s bulletin.

                                                                                                   Fr. Richard Milek 
