17 Dec 2016

This Week Letter – December 18, 2016

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,


Many people feel that their lives are empty. And this may be true. A rewarding life is not easy to find. There are those who fill the emptiness with chips and beer, watching tv, and money grubbing, watching stupid things on the Internet or collecting diplomas. What rewards you? Or maybe who rewards you?

In a short description about Joseph who brought Mary with child, appears a notation about this event as the fulfilment of the Scriptures. It happened in the life of Joseph, that finally he fulfilled the words of the Bible. Before this happened, he experienced nightmares, in which an Angel urged him to fulfill the will of God. It was not easy, because the facts contradicted the dream. It’s easier to believe the logic of facts than sleepy dreams. Joseph finally welcomed his pregnant wife. He fulfilled the Scriptures. Our ideas and our plans rarely match with God’s plans. We do not obey the Word of God; therefore sooner or later we feel devastated.

Life is God’s project, in which He predicted the events, meetings, people, and even dreams. We need patience. Patience is an attitude of peaceful anticipation of “harvest”, or the fulfillment time. With patience we believe deeply that everything comes in the right time.  None of what happens to us is accidental. God has planned some work to be done during the journey, and to understand what to do we have to read the Bible while we walk. There are hints that should not be taken lightly. Everything leads to fulfillment of the Scriptures.  It’s about accepting Jesus, but we have to start with welcoming Mary. Why? As the Son of God could not become a human being, before becoming the Son of Mary, so every Christian will not begin life in Christ, apart from Mary.

Joseph took the Son of God, who was dwelling in his wife. If we welcome a man, we accept the hidden Christ in him. Mary is the first of our neighbors! We have to fully accept her if we want to accept Jesus. St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians writes that God in His greatness will fulfill all our needs in Christ Jesus. With faith and trust in God who will fill every need, we celebrate the last week of Advent.

On behalf of all priests, deacons, the Missionary Sisters and the entire Parish Council of  St. Constance, I thank you for your faith, prayer, and financial support to our parish. Each year on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, we ask every family to make a donation of $70 for the parish. Of course, if it is possible. May the Lord reward you for your kindness and generosity. God Bless You!
