24 Feb 2018

This Week Letter – February 25, 2018

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,


If we were to ponder deeply about the state of our own faith, we would probably conclude that we are about 25-30% Catholic with the rest of our views approximating, or in some sense, even opposing the faith we profess.

A certain proverb says that heaven begins where people fulfill their human dreams. Every person senses an inner longing for happiness and security. That may sound good, but how does it look in reality? Are we not, by chance, more pharisaical than the Pharisees themselves? We go to confession because it is required by the Catechism; we attend Holy Mass every Sunday because of traditional obligation; we participate in church holidays and celebrations to get peace of mind. But where is our conscience? Where is our dedication to faith, to God; where our Eucharistic sustenance? We must realize that the promise of happiness and security can be achieved only in close relationship with God. Meanwhile, worldly desires try to blind our souls again and again.

Hearing in today’s reading of the sacrifice of Abraham from whom Gad, by way of trial, demanded the offering of his son, we are left with mixed emotions, for we are so far removed from knowing the love of God and the love due to God, that we are in no position to understand God’s instruction. However, if we feel a kind of fear, to which we are submissive and powerless, there is hope for us yet. Gad Who is full of love trusts us, but He demands our trust in return.

He has proved and continues to prove what great love He has bestowed upon us. What He did not allow Abraham to do, He Himself did by sending us His Son to save us all from every sin. We live on earth because of God’s will that we must heed, but we also need to realize that while on earth, we cannot enjoy eternal happiness. Thanks to the saving death of Jesus, we shall be able to attain such happiness after death. Peter, while on the Mount of Transfiguration, had the opportunity to share in the tranquility emanating from God. Let’s repeat after Peter: “Lord, it is good for us to be here…”(Mt 17,4).  The Transfiguration of the Lord shows us, that beyond the reality of worldly and temporal problems, there exists a completely different reality that we await with longing. We can approach this other reality only in quiet, most intimate prayer, for only in silence — away from the hustle and bustle of the world – are we able to hear the kind and gentle voice of God. Transformation of our lives, if we are open to it, will bring positive changes that will allow us to grow in faith and see things that many cannot see. But first, we must trust God as Abraham did.


Let us ask Mary, who was able to safeguard the light of  faith even in darkest hours, to enlighten our hearts and help us to fulfill God’s plans faithfully in all circumstances.


God bless!
