This Week Letter – January 15, 2017
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
At the very beginning of the Bible it speaks of the Spirit who hovered over the waters. This vision of the Spirit that emerges over matter mixed as some pre-cosmic ocean, reminds about the first microseconds of creation. When John emphasizes the presence of the Spirit in the Messiah, he wants to point with his finger at Who starts a new world, a new creation.
It is possible to understand the baptism only from the perspective of the Old Testament. Tertullian, Didymus the Blind of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ambrose pointed out the importance of Baptism, referring to the biblical themes. Among other things, they emphasized the creation of the world, or rather the emergence of it from the chaos of matter. In this sense the Baptism seems to be another work of creation and liberation, but also it is a miniature reminder of the history of the universe. The prophets preached that God will create another world on the ruins of the old one. The Incarnation of Christ is the beginning of this new creation. Who wants to participate in the new world, will take the Baptism as a kind of personal “incarnation” in the incarnate God.
The Spirit of God hovered over the primeval waters, and raised life out of them. It does not really matter whether it was a long process of billions of years or the sudden appearance of species. The author of this work was the Spirit of God. So when John speaks of Jesus as the one over Whom is the Spirit, he is trying to tell us that Jesus would baptize with the Spirit and that in Jesus is the new creation of life. We wondered probably often why Jesus called fishermen as the first apostles. I think just because he invites to participate in the new creation people who possess the ability to draw upwards. Jesus calls the fishermen to be Apostles, He performs miracles at the Sea of Galilee, He walks on water, makes the miraculous catch of fish, talks about the sign of Jonah, etc. Note that the Gospels are steeped in the atmosphere. In the end, the same kingdom of God is compared to the fisher’s net. Jean Danielou calls the Church the mother of the children of God, escaping them to the spiritual world through Baptism.
It is easy to have the Baptism, though it promises a complicated new birth of a spiritual man. A few seconds ongoing immersion in the sacramental water promises years of cleansing from the puddles of impurities, muddy puddles of greed, marshes of despair, swamps of greed, currents of anger, shoals of laziness, storms of jealousy, floods of pride, and even oceans of mistakes, and stubbornness. We can win with all of them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God brings us from the womb of the world as a baby is delivered from the mother’s womb; He invites strong doctors with powerful muscles who are ready for fishing. Jesus has the power to rescue us out of the womb of sin, because He was named already in His Mother’ womb with the Name of the One who saves all from the ends of the earth. He pulls and carries us and leads to holiness. Let the power of the sacrament of Baptism works in us and through us. God bless!