24 Jan 2021

This Week Letter – January 24, 2021

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Brothers and Sisters . . . it’s about time


Regardless of who we are!  Whether we are priests or nuns, husbands or wives . . . life keeps on happening.  We wait for ordination to the priesthood, for our first job, to pass our exams, to complete our courses, to build a home, to live to a certain age.  For a beginner, there is always the temptation to procrastinate, saying to oneself – as I have told myself hundreds of times – “When I get to a parish, then I will do” those things which now I know I should have done at that time and not postponed them for another day.  Instead of putting everything aside for later, it would be far more advantageous for each of us to step forward today to follow the Lord with our whole mind, heart, soul and strength.

Sometimes we procrastinate . . . unnecessarily!


Your Priest,

Fr. Paul
