08 Jun 2014

This Week Letter – Jun 8, 2014

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My Dear Parishioners and Friends, On this Sunday we celebrate the solemnity of the Coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and on Mary who were gathered in the Upper Room fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection. Through the Coming of the Holy Spirit, Christ’s promise was fulfilled: He did not leave us alone, but sent the Holy Spirit, the Consoler, into our hearts. He continues since Pentecost Day to send the Spirit to all who call upon Him and who do not close off their souls from His promptings. Our Lord, who ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father in order to intercede for us continually, is also present among us through His Holy Spirit. Let us strive for allegiance to the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit and humbly beg God to forgive us the deeds we have committed by not following the light of the Holy Spirit. Today’s feast completes the Church’s Liturgical Easter Season and Ordinary Time begins — that period giving testimony that Christ lives, that He resides in His disciples, since He fills them with His Spirit, the Spirit of God. Congratulations to the Polonia Club President Casey Milewski, the administrative board and all its members for organizing such a wonderful 100-year Jubilee celebration both in Church and at the Lone Tree Manor banquet hall. In the name of the entire parish, I thank the Polonia Club for their beautiful and precious gift to the parish which has been affixed to the wall alongside the statue of our patroness, St. Constance. This gift is called the “Tree of Life”. We are aware that in 2016, St. Constance Parish will celebrate the 100th year of its existence. We now ought to start preparing for this great event. Time passes quickly and each of us desires to leave something good of ourselves as witness to our short time on earth. I do not know whether I still will be with you during the Jubilee Year or whether we will be able to complete this project together, but while I am still here, I want to make a good beginning. I love this parish and all of you. It was here that I took my first steps when I was newly ordained and it is here with you that I’ve spent nearly seventeen years of my life as a priest. I give myself over totally to God’s Will. Sometime near the beginning of 2015, I anticipate calling together a Committee for the 100-year Jubilee of St. Constance Parish. In practically every parish, the “Tree of Life” exists whenever important events are being commemorated. The “Tree of Life”, Polonia Club’s donation to the parish, will help us slowly gather the funds that will be necessary to cover the 100- year Anniversary projects that will be determined by the Jubilee Committee, the Parish Council and the Finance Committee. The “Tree of Life” is composed of many gold leaves that may be purchased in your own name or in memory or your dearly departed parents, siblings, friends or neighbors. The cost of each small leaf is $250.00 and each large leaf $400.00. Each leaf can be engraved with the donor’s name or with the name of a deceased person. A leaf might be engraved with a child’s name to commemorate the reception of one of the sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation. A leaf might be engraved with the name of a priest for whom you pray in a special way. Please apply at the parish rectory to fill out the necessary forms and pay the appropriate fee. In another week the Church will celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday as well as the secular but very important observation of Father’s Day. On Sunday, June 22nd, we celebrate the feast of “Corpus Christi”. I ask that all those organizations, who have been involved in setting up the altars and participating in the procession, prepare as they have done in past years. God bless!
