10 Nov 2018

This Week Letter – November 11, 2018

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From the Pastor’s Desk

Today’s Gospel gives evidence that of prime importance for Christ  is what is hidden in a person’s heart.  As an example today, we are given the poor widow whose temple offering was viewed by others to be not much, but according to Christ outweighed the other contributions because she gave all she had.  Not only is she a model of humility and generosity, but above all, of total commitment and dedication to the work of the Lord.  It is often said of national heroes or of the saints that they sacrificed their entire lives for a righteous or holy cause.  Let us think about what kind of commitment and dedication we give to our God, our Church and our families.  Is it total dedication or is it preplanned and calculated?  In our parish, we have many persons who devote themselves completely to the good of our Church and our Catholic School.

Today we celebrate Veterans Day and the Hundredth Anniversary of the Regaining of Independence by Poland.  Let us pray, then, for all who fought for the freedom of their native country.

In this month of November let us continue to pray for our beloved dead.  May they rest in eternal peace!


Fr. Richard Milek

