03 Nov 2018

This Week Letter – November 4, 2018

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From the Pastor’ Desk

During the past week we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints.  This feast reminds us that our primary vocation is to attain sainthood.  But how can we do this?  The answer to this question can be found in today’s Gospel in the commandment of the love of God and neighbor.  Saints are those who loved God and neighbor wholeheartedly.  Speaking of the love of God and neighbor, let us not forget about our own beloved deceased; let us prove our love and gratitude to them at Holy Mass, in our All Souls Day remembrance and by our prayers throughout November, the month dedicated to remembrance of the dead,  Once more, we ask you to list the names of your departed  family and friends on your All Souls Day envelope so that no name will be denied its place on our altar where the envelopes will be placed and each listed name will be remembered at every Mass through all of November.  Additional envelopes can be found at the Church entrance.  Remember, too, that it is possible to obtain a plenary indulgence for the dead from the Feast of All Saints until the 8th of November.


Fr. Richard Milek
