20 Oct 2018

This Week Letter – October 21, 2018

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From The Pastor ‘s Desk

Amazing impudence was shown by the two sons of  Zebedee, those beloved disciples of Jesus, John and his brother James, when they presented their demand that, in the glory of the Master, they would sit one at His right and the other at His left hand.  Shocking was this request, testifying to the unbridled ambition of the brothers; shocking, too, the manner in which they asked!  Wanting to be heard for certain, they first set down their terms: ”We want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.”    They are preparing to take a stand.  The phrase ”We want”  clearly tesitifies at their attempting to”insist” on Jesus’ implimentation of their request.  So this is no longer a request…it is a demand.   Humility depends on a voluntary acceptance of whatever place God has appointed for us.

Many thanks to all those who helped organize this year’s Parish Dinner Dance and to all those who came and took part in the fun.  We congratulate all the organizers and winners of our cash raffle and we thank all those who purchased raffle tickets.

Please remember to pray the Rosary during this month of October and to pray for your departed loved ones at Mass, particularly during  November, a month dedicated to remembrance of the dead.  To this end, we invite you to find the envelope for All Souls Day in your packet.  Fill in the names of your beloved departed and return the envelope in time for it to be placed on the altar the entire month of November, so those you named can be remembered in prayer at every Mass.

Fr. Richard Milek
