22 Oct 2016

This Week Letter – October 23, 2016

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,


Healthy people often don’t understand the problems of those who are sick and disabled, yet each of us, healthy and sick, and the lame, the sighted and blind people should share in the joy that the privilege of faith was given to us , that allows you to feel the love, hope and joy with the care of our one Father in heaven.  But often, we rely on our own interpretation of faith and customize it to our needs.

At the end of his life, Paul, in his letter to Timothy judged his own life, saying, “I have fought the good fight  I have kept the faith. I have won for myself a crown of justice, which on that day I will receive it from the Lord, the righteous Judge, and not only me, but all those who loved His revelation. ” (2 Tim 4.7-8). Whether he knew, or only suspected what price he would pay for his love for the Lord, it’s difficult for us to evaluate. However, seeing a simple path to salvation, he did not hesitate a moment to proclaim the Gospel of God, of Jesus, of faith, which is love.


The Gospel shows us two types of faith – faith of the Pharisee and that of the tax collector, which teaches us how to guard the faith and avoid fake self-esteem. Remission of sins we cannot ourselves realize, but God makes it real, in the Trinity. What’s more, God gives us guides, people who are called priests to led us to the right path.

What about prayer, work and effort? Not for honor and glory, but we who trust you , have not lost the view of the finish line, thinking that our affiliation to the Church will justify everything. We must become more humble in order to enjoy Heaven. “For everyone who exalts himself, will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Lk 18.14 ” (b))

I sincerely wish to thank first of all God Almighty for 100 years of this parish’s existence and all of the pastoral activities of St. Constance parish. Thanks be to God for all the priests, deacons, nuns, teachers and catechists who over the years preached the word of God. Thank God for those parishioners who received the Word of God and in their lives experienced beautiful fruit coming from a sincere and deep faith. Many have already gone to the Lord, receiving their eternal reward, and many more are among us. May the good Lord reward everyone.

God bless you all, without exception, who strenuously and selflessly worked on the preparation of the 100th anniversary of St. Constance parish. God bless all who took part in these celebrations, who supported them with their effort and who prayed for this intention. I love you all, you are wonderful and let the Merciful Jesus Himself reward you here on Earth and in eternity. God Bless You!
