07 Oct 2017

This Week Letter – October 8, 2017

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Dear Parishioners and Friends.


Our patience is heavily tested when we meet people we cannot rely on, or those who have disappointed us many times. Let us reflect on how we would react in the situation described in today’s Gospel (Matthew 21: 33-43). Could we show as much patience as the vineyard owner? Could we be ready for such a sacrifice?
We often come to selfish conclusions, and forget about justice. God works out of love, He is always righteous. He gives a chance to everyone. This is a source of great hope for all those who came back to God after times of wandering. In our hearts we have the “seeds” of good vines that can produce good and juicy fruits, under certain conditions however. Saint Paul tells us to: “Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.” (Phil 4:9) What does this mean in practice?  It means we must develop a strong spiritual existence and improve our prayer life. If we make this effort, we will not be like weeds, but good vines that produce pleasing fruit for the Lord.
By accepting baptism, by walking the path of faith and deepening it, we mature and become the healthy fruits of faith. We are God’s chosen ones, “fruits from His garden”, well-tended and nourished. God is a good gardener, He wants high-yielding crops, therefore He chooses the land for His vineyard, He leads people to the Promised Land until the weeds dry up, and only noble vines are left. “The vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, the people of Judah, His cherished plant” (Isa 5: 7)
Consider what today’s Gospel means for us. God created a special vineyard on earth. It is a community of believers, the Holy Church founded by the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Our mission is to care for this vineyard, for the Church. She is not only our place for gathering and prayer. It is also a place of responsibility for each member of the community. We all bear responsibility for each other because “God entrusted man to man.” As in every work, so also in the community of believers, or in the Lord’s vineyard, we must consciously prepare ourselves. We must realize, perhaps with difficulty, where we can be useful with our skill sets and abilities, where the Lord has placed us. We are all users of His goods that he has entrusted to us, which we are to share. Let’s share the goodness as long as the Lord gives us time! In the parable, the son of the vineyard owner was captured, killed and thrown out. Similarly, the Son of God was captured, thrown out of the vineyard and killed, crucified past the walls of Jerusalem. The Word of God was fulfilled. However, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone”. (Mt 21:42).
I invite you all to the organizational meeting of our “Annual Parish Dinner Dance” under the leadership of John Reynolds and Teresa Milewski. The meeting will take place on Thursday, October 12th, 7pm, at Borowczyk Hall.

God Bless!
