This Week Letter – September 16, 2018
From the Pastors Desk…
The Holy Church has survived many historical storms and still exists because it works under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is built on the foundation of the Apostles. The Church, to realize its mission of world evangelization, must have its own plan and structure. The Archdiocese of Chicago recently announced its pastoral plan: “Renew my Church”.
From the moment of my arrival at this parish, many of its members began asking me what my pastoral plans are for our parish. I answered that, at the beginning, I intend to continue the pastoral work of my great predecessor while acquainting myself with the needs of the faithful so that I may respond to them in the best way possible. During my installation as Pastor, today, I will assure the Bishop and all parishioners that I will always be faithful to God and to the teaching of the Church.
Today, I want to announce that the plans of my pastoral work in our parish are based entirely on the commandment of love. My plan is to love all the brothers and sisters entrusted to my care with my whole heart and to serve them with all my strength. I ask only for your trust and for your prayers so that I never will be wanting in this strength.
I am happy that my installation is taking place on September 16th because, in exactly one month, we will be celebrating another anniversary of the election to the Holy See of Pope John Paul II, who has been and always will be my inspiration and role model.
When I met with the Holy Father in Rome in a private audience, he asked me to bring his greetings to Chicago, blessing our city with his whole heart. I entrust to Saint John Paul II the entire Church of Christ, the Church in Chicago, the Parish of St. Constance and my ministry in our Parish.
Ks. Ryszard Miłek