This Week Letter – October 11, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,   A few weeks ago, with special permission, I was able to confirm a group of young people from our parish.  I recall a conversation I had with one of the persons a few days before the Confirmation ceremony.  For private reasons, she was unable to appear in church in a nice.. read more →

This Week Letter – October 4, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,   “Mine  !”  “This is my life, this is my work, this is my money, this is my family, this is my future, this is my Sunday – mine!  Mine!  Mine!”   In the United States, during the month of October, we want to remind the whole world even more of the.. read more →

This Week Letter – September 27, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,   Oh Those Children!   I imagine that most of the readers of this bulletin have children, the obvious  exception being our nuns and priests.  I am not even certain that they read the bulletin, but I will find out after this Sunday.  It is definitely easy to say the words “Amen”,.. read more →

This Week Letter – September 20, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,   Tomorrow is Monday, and so to work! Reading the Gospel and comparing the men who worked for twelve hours with those who worked but one hour, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the second group was better off, since all the workers were given the same payment. This.. read more →

This Week Letter – September 13, 2020

SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENT Adoration of the Holy Sacrament in our Church is every Tuesday from 3:00pm to 7:00pm   Confession is available every Tuesday from 3:30pm to 6:30pm and every Saturday from 3:00pm to 4:15pm.   We invite young adults to be part of our Young Adults Ministry. We meet every Friday at 8:00pm in Borowczyk.. read more →

This Week Letter – September 6, 2020

Together!!! Jesus promised to be with us whenever we gather together in His Name. Today, people often say that it suffices to have a so-called “private” relationship with Jesus.  They pray on their own, sayng that this is a suitable alternative to coming to Mass, or praying the Rosary with another or with their family,.. read more →

This Week Letter – August 30, 2020

My Brothers and Sisters, This will be a difficult task…I fear rejection. I began meditating on the Liturgy of the Word for this Sunday but didn’t manage to get to the Gospel to learn of the rebuke of St Peter by Jesus, and now I’m feeling admonished by St. Paul. In today’s second reading, St… read more →

This Week Letter – August 23, 2020

My Brothers and Sisters,   “Answer the question!”   Jesus asked His closest disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” It is obvious that most of the apostles struggled with this question.  They had heard Jesus preach and observed how he cured the sick, cleansed the lepers, cast out demons, multiplied food, walked on.. read more →

This Week Letter – August 16, 2020

My Brothers and Sisters,   “Great is your faith!” — How I wish Jesus would say this about me! But would it be true? The praise of Jesus was well deserved in the case of the Canaanite woman.  Jesus was astonished at how she reacted to the hardship of having a daughter who was possessed.. read more →

This Week Letter – August 9, 2020

My Brothers and Sisters,   God appears to Elijah not in a grand spectacle or great show of strength like  each of us might expcct, but  in a very quiet way to let us know that He is with us, walking beside us, speaking to us through ordinary, daily, humble events, and not purely through.. read more →