This Week Letter – March 14, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,   Many people are afraid to give a child a Cross as a gift.  This exaggerated behavior must be dropped.   Today’s Gospel points out the meaning of the Cross in your life and mine,   The Cross is something much greater and more mysterious than it might seem at first glance. .. read more →

This Week Letter – March 7, 2021

My Brothers and My Sisters,   In the past week, many nasty words were spoken.  Some went so far as to call me a liar, a traitor, a Judas, not a real priest and finally, evasive.  I can only imagine how many unkind words are being exchanged daily in your Christian homes.  Let us now.. read more →

This Week Letter – February 28, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters…   By considering the Lord’s Word given to us, I come to the conclusion that the time of Lent is a time to make an effort. Lent is very dynamic. We are called to be on the move. Jesus never says to us, “Stay where you are”, but always “Come!” and.. read more →

This Week Letter – February 21, 2021

My Brothers and Sisters, I am thinking about going to the desert…   Going to the desert these days is becoming harder for people to do. It seems to us that once we are out of reach of our phones, we become to feel totally lost. During our parish retreats every year in the time.. read more →

This Week Letter – February 7, 2021

Brothers and Sisters   Most of you reading this letter have been to church today. I imagine our Lord questioning why we had come here.  Had we come eager to know what He wanted to give us or for what we wanted Him to give us?  Were we trying to reconcile our priorities with His,.. read more →

This Week Letter – January 31, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,   If you love God too little, don’t be afraid to admit it. Make a good examination of conscience and start anew . . .   Why is it that so few Catholics approach God, hungering for His Word?  Why do so many react to the Word of God as though it.. read more →

This Week Letter – January 24, 2021

Brothers and Sisters . . . it’s about time   Regardless of who we are!  Whether we are priests or nuns, husbands or wives . . . life keeps on happening.  We wait for ordination to the priesthood, for our first job, to pass our exams, to complete our courses, to build a home, to.. read more →

This Week Letter – January 17, 2021

Brothers and Sisters, Tell others whom you have found . . . just tell them.   “We have found the Messiah!” declared Andrew as though he had just won the lottery and couldn’t hold back sharing the news with the brother he loved.  But Andrew did something more:  He brought his brother Simon to meet.. read more →

This Week Letter – January 10, 2021

Brothers and Sisters . . . Have you ever bathed in dirty water?   On this Sunday honoring the Baptism of the Lord, I am reminded of my visit to the Holy Land and the possibility of staying in the vicinity of the Jordan River.  What a great surprise it was for me to see.. read more →

This Week Letter – January 3, 2021

Brothers and Sisters, today, return to your home “another way” . . .   St. Matthew tells us that the magi returned home by “another way”, something about which the great saints of the church have always spoken, pointing out that more was involved than just avoiding Herod.  “Another way” emphasizes that the magi returned.. read more →