24 Nov 2018

This Week Letter – November 25, 2018

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From the Pastor’s Desk

”Are you a King?”

            For Pilate, this question was a matter of life and death.  History is aware of many such questions and justifies those that were answered untruthfully in order to save one’s own life or the lives of others.  There was no such option for Christ.  So He courageously answers, ”Yes, I am a King” and immediately substantiates His answer with: ”For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” 

            In today’s judicial proceedings, recognition of the truth speaks in favor of the accused.  At the time of Jesus’ trial, truth was equated with the sentence of death and such was the price that was paid to build up for us the Kingdom of Truth and Peace.

            Today, let us place before Christ the King our tribute of worship and thanksgiving along with our total assurance and undying loyalty to building up His Kingdom on earth.

            On the occasion of the Feast of Christ the King, on behalf of the whole parish community, I would like to extend my best wishes, and I will remember in prayer all the Priests and Missionary Sisters of  Christ the King for Polonia, and especially I desire to thank the Sisters who minister in our parish.

            Advent begins next Sunday, that time of anticipating the coming of Him Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Let us plan how we will spend this time in order to draw even nearer to God and to each other.

                                                                                               Fr. Richard Milek
