14 Oct 2017

This Week Letter – October 15, 2017

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Dear Parishioners and Friends.


Sometimes, when invited somewhere, we take a long time to think about it, because we are afraid of the expenses or functions the invitation entails. Sometimes we reject the invitation because of antipathy or even prejudice towards the person who invites us.
Today all the readings tell us of a special treat; we are invited  to a feast. Isaiah, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us of the eternal feast He prepares for us, believers in the One God, our Lord at the end of time. For “the LORD of Hosts will prepare for all the people on this mountain a feast of fatty meat, a feast of fine wines, of the richest meats, of the finest wines.” (Is 25: 6). All who fulfill the Lord’s will are invited to the feast, praising His goodness and His love. “Then the Lord will wipe away the tears from every face, and will take away the shame of His people throughout the land, for the Lord has promised.” (Is 25: 8).
St. Paul, who was converted in Damascus, became so attached to Christ that the adversity he experienced seemed minimal in comparison. He tells us: “I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I have the strength for everything through Him who empowers me” (Philippians 4: 12-13) This is an example worth following.
Finally, concerning the gospel vision of our encounter with God at the end of our lives, we are all invited to join together in the heights of heavens. But it is from our preparation, our lives here and our “clothing” – reading about our faith – it is up to us to be worthy to come to the feast. For the king’s words addressed to one of the guests also refer to us: “He said to him, ‘My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?’ But he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.’ Many are invited, but few are chosen” (Mt 22: 12-14) The only way to participate in the Church of Christ is to be clothed in prayer, faith, and especially, participation in the Eucharist.
Next week, we will receive the relics of the Italian Saint Gaina Beretta Molla.  We will pray for her intercession for the parents who are awaiting the arrival of children and parents who can not have children for one or other reasons. When she died of cancer at the age of only 39, in her holiness, so many cancer patients are also entrusting in her intercession. I sincerely invite all those who want to know more about her and those needing her intercessory prayer. From Krystyna Zając who, at the request of St. John Paul II has been bringing relics to various churches for many years. We will hear about the healings by the intersession of St. Gianna Beretta Molla.

May the Lord bless and guard us all on the paths of life so that after the end of our earthly pilgrimage we will safely reach the Father’s House.

God bless.
