03 Sep 2016

This Week Letter – September 4, 2016

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

As we deal with our problems, we share them with our loved ones, or we try to solve them ourselves. They are crosses that we bear, sometimes briefly, sometimes for life. But we also need to realize that these crosses are our relationship with Christ. Sharing these problems – crosses, we have the possibility of communication with the Lord, on the one hand, to ask for a solution; on the other hand relieve Christ as He continuously bears our crosses.
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) canonized this day by Pope Francis, did not avoid her suffering and crosses, . She was fully open to the love and presence of Christ in her life. Christ, whom she met among the poor people she often found dying in the streets. Taking in the street beggars, she served Jesus Christ himself and it was as though she took the Lord Himself, suffering and crushed by the beams of the cross. May St. Mother Teresa help us understand the meaning of our crosses and sufferings that we encounter.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus Christ shows us the way that leads to peace and salvation. He tells us that this is the way of the Cross. His words here are clear; “He who doth not bear his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Łk14,27). “To take the cross and to follow Jesus” means to be ready for any sacrifice out of love for Him. It also means not to hold in higher regard anything more than Him, even the most troublesome people, or even your own life. It is understood that dedication to Christ is a difficult choice. However, it is because the true way of Christ is not easy, but as a consequence worthwhile.

Imitation of Christ is a very important matter and an obligation; you cannot take it lightly. You have to be open to God’s grace, which God gives abundantly to whoever wants to be faithful to Christ. “Let us examine our vocation” – can we follow Christ, burdened by our worldly crosses, our sinfulness, our everyday life? Jesus says that we need to take the trouble, because the road to the kingdom of God, the internal road and the cross He carried destroys any obstacle and opens the door wide.
I cordially greet all the children who came back after the summer break for school to St. Constance, our Polish School St. Maximilian Kolbe and religious program REP. Welcome new families who have joined our family-oriented school and the parish. I cordially greet all the teachers, catechists and educators. I hope that all of you come back fully refreshed, full of enthusiasm and energy towards further work.
I encourage everyone to participate in the great festival “Taste of Polonia”, organized on the occasion of the work “Labor Day” by the Copernicus Center on Lawrence St. Do not forget to come to church on Monday, September 5, for a bilingual Mass at 9:00 am. We will thank God for our jobs, ask for a better job and a blessing at work. God bless!
