03 Apr 2018

This Week Letter – April 1, 2018

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Today we are celebrating the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection. On this day, all believers in Christ express their joy, greeting each other with the words “Christ is risen”, to which we answer, “He is truly risen!” Today we go to church to view the symbolic empty tomb of Christ and to listen to the words of the Gospel according to St. John (20: 1-9), which speak of the reaction of Mary Magdalene and the Apostles who seeing the grave did not find the body of Jesus. An empty grave tells us that the life of Jesus did not end in death and burial, but in the triumph of the Resurrection. Christ Resurrected signifies for all of us, that He is alive. To this day as in the past, Christ meets with people, reveals His divine power, shares the goodness of His heart and pours out His love.  Today we witness the Paschal Mystery’s conclusion. The Resurrection is the crowning of his passion and death; it is the confirmation of His teaching, the hope for  all living and dead; it is the foundation of our faith.  Saint Paul in his letter to the Corinthians (15:14) wrote: “And if Christ has not been raised, then empty [too] is our preaching; empty, too, your faith.”


Today I pray with you and for you, that we will all  understand completely the hope to which we are called.  This hope, given to us by the Resurrected Christ, is for today, for tomorrow and for all eternity!

Dear friends, I would like to thank all those who prepared the Easter decorations, those who enriched our Holy Week and Easter liturgies with beautiful singing and music, those who prepared the catechumens, and those who served at the altar. Thank you to everyone who donated money for flowers and Easter decorations. I sincerely thank those, who understanding the needs of our parish, made a more generous Easter offering.   I pray that the Risen Lord will reward everyone abundantly for every good word, every act of love and mercy, and every sacrifice you make for the needs of the parish.

With all my heart I greet our sick!  I extend greetings to all our parishioners and the dear guests who came from near and far. Today my heart rejoices, while our church resounds   with your joyful Easter singing. The passion, death and resurrection of Christ are made present in every Mass, this Mass where we are nourished by the Word of the Lord and the Eucharist. Each Mass is a prelude to that great celebration in the House of the  Lord,   our destination  when we leave this world for eternity. Let us not underestimate this great gift!

My wish for all our priests, deacons, Missionary Sisters of Christ the King, teachers, catechists, management, all parishioners, friends and guests is that the resurrected Lord imparts to all the grace of good health, joy, love, patience and peace. May we all be courageous witnesses of His Resurrection among all the  people we encounter in our lives.

I would like to share with you that the next great pastor of St. Constance will be Father Richard  Milek, the former pastor of St Francis Borgia Parish.

God bless and Happy Easter!
