This Week Letter – August 8, 2021

If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever. In today’s Gospel, we hear a continuation of last Sunday’s teaching. To His disciples and the crowds, Jesus explains the path to eternal life. The key is to understand the meaning of the “Bread of Life” which has the power to save. Bread is the most.. read more →

This Week Letter – August 1, 2021

“I am the bread of life” … The situation recounted in today’s Gospel is a lesson that Jesus gives to His disciples and to the surrounding crowds. Through His teachings and miracles, Jesus wants to remind us of our supernatural calling, He wants to pilot our search towards eternity and thus reaffirm that we are children of God, freed.. read more →

This Week Letter – July 25, 2021

This weekend, I wanted to introduce myself to all of you in the parish.   I am Father Brendan Guilfoil and I am happy to be one of your new associate pastors. Certainly, we are in a time of transition. Places are reopening from the Covid-19 pandemic. Our parish is officially a new one, encompassing.. read more →

This Week Letter – July 18, 2021

“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”   The words above, spoken by Jesus to the apostles, can be perceived as encouragement to take a vacation and to pause from your everyday work for a while. Although everyone needs rest, this would not be enough for our Lord. He invites.. read more →

This Week Letter – July 11, 2021

We are chosen and called!     The Word that the Holy Church addresses to us on this 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time emphasizes the important truth about the universal call to holiness and chastity, and to share this truth with other people. Saint Paul teaches us this in his letter: “In him he chose.. read more →