This Week Letter – November 24, 2019

Christ’s Reign The feast of Christ the King was announced originally in 1925, but its content is as old as Christian Faith itself, for the word Christ is nothing more than the Greek translation of the word “Messiah” or anointed, king.  Jesus, the crucified “carpenter’s son”, is so much a king that His Name has.. read more →

This Week Letter – November 17, 2019

Being a Prophet is Necessary   We are all called to be prophets! – Although this may sound strange, being a Christian means being a prophet. A prophet knocks us back into our senses and does not allow the faith of our Church and our loved ones to remain half-dead. This is a difficult job.. read more →

This Week Letter – November 10, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk   A copy of the St. Constance Annual Report which appeared in last week’s bulletin was also sent to the Archdiocese.  The saddest part of the report was the mention of the 80 parishioners who have passed on to eternity since November 2nd of last year.  You can find their names.. read more →

This Week Letter – November 3, 2019

To the Generous Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends of St. Constance Parish.   Thank you for your continuous support to our parish.  You give of your time, your talent and your treasure.  We try to be good stewards of the gifts given to this parish.  Here is a rendering of the financial stewardship from the last.. read more →

This Week Letter – October 27, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk…   In Vienna in Austria, there is a Church in which the former ruling family in Austria, the Hapsburgs, are buried. When royal funerals used to arrive at the Church, the mourners knocked at the door of the Church to be allowed in. A priest inside would ask “Who is it.. read more →

This Week Letter – October 20, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk   Today the entire Church celebrates World Mission Sunday.  St. Paul in his letter to Timothy reminds us of our Christian duty in these words:  “Remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you have learned it…proclaim the word…encourage through all patience.”  Today’s Gospel is.. read more →

This Week Letter – October 13, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk   A certain clergyman was celebrating a field mass and during his homily he told the congregation that they must always thank God even if they do not receive what they are expecting. After the homily, the clergyman gave the altar server his hat to take up the collection.  Unfortunately, the.. read more →

This Week Letter – October 6, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk   News spread among the passengers that the ship got hooked on a coral reef and was sinking.  The terrified passengers hurriedly began to put on their life jackets, except for one young boy who sat calmly observing the waves.  On seeing this, one of the passengers asked the boy if.. read more →

This Week Letter – September 28, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk   I think we all ought to take the advice that St. Peter gives to Timothy in today’s second reading: “…pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience and gentleness.  Compete well for the faith.  Lay hold of eternal life.”  St. Peter often compared life to competitions in sports and at the end.. read more →

This Week Letter – September 22, 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk   Today’s readings from the Mass are a call to fidelity to God and a warning not to lose that fidelity in these words:  “You cannot serve both God and mammon.”  Many different people and concerns are vying for first place in our lives.  We cannot give them that first place,.. read more →